I have stopped buying The Star paper for a quite a while now. The main reason for doing so ? If i had a choice on the sections i would actually read, it would only be 20% of the entire piece. And the rest would only benefit the "old newspaper man". Apart from doing my part in saving the trees, I have internet access all over the place and the online version is available free of charge and the best part is they are updated almost by the hour and there are so many choices available.....mainstream and so called "deviant" versions so that we actually get a "better" idea of the actual news reported.
Since late 2007, the most active news reported by the media is politics. The media has made politics a star in every issue of dailies. Can't blame them as it has become the most interesting thing to report about other than snatch thefts, rape, and occasional maid abuse. I believe politics has been taken to astronomical levels especially in Bolehland when news involving politicians become so interesting. People go to great lengths just to shoot down a politician. Late 2007, we actually lost a

Health Minister because of some DVD being distributed about his sexual encounters outside his home. Then we had a real surprise on the results of the general elections in March 2008. Then we had calls for the PM to step down followed by politicians dying one by one and the need for by-elections. If that wasn't creating much hype, we had Anwar who suggested the "jumping frog" technique. And then the frogs started jumping in Perak...albeit in opposite directions. With the state in turmoil, even the Sultan was not spared. And bribery in politics must be at its best for 2009 i guess. And then we have another monster of a man who took pictures of his so called naked girlfriend secretly and decided to make a quick buck by selling it to the media, thus ruining the poor girl's career in politics. Today we have a bunch of Putras who decided to take on Karpal (wheelchair bound) at the lobby of parliament because of a statement he made a day ago. Not good ....not good
Sometimes I wonder if the media is paying these flers to create all the ruckus so that they have something to report about at the end of each day.
I wished politics could take the back seat for a while in 2009 as there has been so much publicity on politics and politicians. But how could that be possible with the new PM coming in on April Fools day ?
So for the average Bolehlander, we just sit and watch the circus lor. Apa boleh buat ? More clowns should be joining the act soon. Hmmm......question for the day....if all politicians are so busy trying to put out the political fire, who is managing the economy of the country ?